Verslag van voorzitter Donald Tusk aan het Europees Parlement over de voorjaarsbijeenkomst van de Europese Raad van 2015

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Raad i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 25 maart 2015.

Let me first of all convey my deepest condolences to the families of the victims of yesterday's Germanwings tragedy. I would also like to express my sympathy and solidarity with the governments of all affected nations. Our thoughts are with you today.

Now I would like to report to you on the Spring European Council which proved to be an absorbing summit with a long, heavy agenda.

We took the first concrete steps towards an Energy Union with all its dimensions. Our discussion focused mostly on energy security. Leaders agreed that in future all gas contracts, both between governments and businesses, need to be more transparent to make sure that they comply with our rules and do not endanger our energy security. The details will be settled in legislation to be proposed very soon by the Commission. I hope our ambition will be supported by this chamber. We also agreed to explore how European companies might co-operate to buy gas in bulk. This is a timely discussion. Our dependence on external suppliers is a major weakness and I am glad leaders wished to address it. Finally, we agreed to step up Europe's climate diplomacy ahead of the Paris Climate Summit in December.

In the presence of the ECB President Mario Draghi i, we discussed the European economy. The outlook for our economy is improving, at least according to the latest forecasts. Oil prices have declined faster than expected. The ECB is implementing quantitative easing. The euro has depreciated. However, no monetary initiative, no matter how big, will work without structural reforms at national level. The time to reform is now when the wind is blowing in our favour. We still have around 5 million unemployed young people in the European Union, so nobody can sit down and relax. And neither should this house relax in its efforts to agree the European Investment Fund that will help us provide the investment that Europe needs so badly.

We had a good debate on TTIP. The aim remains clear: to reach an ambitious, comprehensive and mutually beneficial agreement by the end of 2015. Leaders shared the view that we now all need to communicate the potential benefits to the public.

In our sessions dedicated to foreign affairs we discussed both the Eastern and Southern dimensions of our neighbourhood policy. Europe should continue to use its diplomatic weight and to act as a stabilising factor.

Based on the contribution of foreign ministers, the European Council debated the security situation in Libya. We are determined to support fully the United Nations talks aimed at securing an immediate ceasefire and the establishment of a Government of National Unity. We gave a clear sign that we stand ready to support an agreement as soon as it is reached. We also discussed the rise in uncontrolled migration in the context of Libya. The European Union is already taking some measures and these should be stepped up. The European Council also welcomed the intention of the Commission to submit a European Agenda on Migration in May. However, the single best step to control migration is the re-establishment of central authority in Libya.

Our meeting took place the day after terrorists attacked the Bardo Museum in Tunis, where many lives were lost. We were unanimous in our support of Tunisia's young democracy, its economic and social development, as well as in the fight against terrorism. Tunisia is a shining example of hope and therefore we need to do our best to support it. Together with the High Representative, I will visit Tunisia and the region next week to review the state of play and see how Europe can help to stabilise the situation.

Now turning to the east. This was the last meeting of leaders ahead of the Eastern Partnership summit in Riga. We confirmed our commitment to the six partner countries and highlighted the need to focus on strengthening democratic institutions.

Finally, we agreed to step up our support to the peace process in Ukraine and to link our sanctions regime to the complete implementation of the Minsk agreements. That is the best hope for ensuring that the deal brokered by President Hollande and Chancellor Merkel i is respected. We agreed that if the situation worsens, we are ready to take further measures. In the meantime, the European Union will continue to support reform efforts in Ukraine. I commend the Parliament's current work to finalise financial assistance to Kiev.

Let me close with a word on Greece, which is so important to the future of the euro zone and the European Union. I held an informal meeting on Greece at the request of Prime Minister Tsipras i. The aim of this meeting was very simple: to rebuild mutual trust and avoid misunderstandings. I think we were successful in this. We agreed to speed up the implementation of the February 20th Eurogroup agreement. Prime Minister Tsipras promised to present additional reform plans soon. Let us hope that this clears the way for a solution.

Given that the format of this meeting raised particular attention, let me mention that I asked the European Council if members preferred to discuss the Greek question at a Euro Summit, to be held immediately if needed. Leaders did not think this was necessary or indeed useful at this stage. In the coming weeks and months, I will continue to do all I can to help in this difficult situation.

Thank you. I look forward to our debate.