Democracy and values are problematic in DRC, says Denis Mukwege

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 26 maart 2015, 12:31.

Congolese gynaecologist and European Parliament Sakharov Prize laureate Dr Denis Mukwege visits the Human Rights Subcommittee on Thursday at 09.00 to discuss his work at the Panzi hospital, which he founded to help women victims of sexual abuse in armed conflicts. Dr Mukege and Subcommitee Chair Elena Valenciano i (S&D, ES) will hold a joint press point at 09.45 outside room 3-G3 in the Altiero Spinelli i building.

Dr Mukwege was awarded the Sakharov Prize for freedom of thought in a plenary ceremony on 26 November 2014 for his continuous work on the treatment of pathological and psycho-social damage caused by sexual violence.

You can watch the debate and the press point via EP Live, respectively here and here, and follow it on @EP_HumanRights.

REF. : 20150324IPR36909

Updated: ( 25-03-2015 - 19:42)