Video EU Energy Briefing: Energy Union, transparency, sanctions against Russia & energy security

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op woensdag 25 maart 2015.

In this Brussels Briefing on Energy, leading journalist Hughes Belin provides an overview of the latest EU energy policy developments.

Energy topped the agenda of the last European Council meeting on 19-20 March. EU leaders adopted conclusions on:

  • The Energy Union strategy, signalling that they want to ensure energy supply security rather than achieve an energy transition.
  • In a blow to the Commission, EU leaders watered down Vice-President Sefcovic’s proposal for more transparency on international energy agreements.
  • Sanctions against Russia will be extended to the end of 2015, and linked to the full implementation of the Minsk II agreement.

Other important developments related to:

  • Trilateral talks between EU, Ukraine and Russia took place on 20 March in Brussels to negotiate new conditions for Russian gas exports to Ukraine.
  • On 16 March, EU and Turkey launched a High Level Energy Dialogue to reinforce energy cooperation.
  • The next Informal Energy Council will take place in Riga on 14-15 April.