Statement by Commissioner Avramopoulos following the international ministerial conference "Tackling Jihadism Together" in Vienna

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 20 maart 2015.

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Tackling jihadism and home-grown radicalisation is a challenge that we face today across borders. Let me, therefore, start by thanking Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner and Minister Sebastian Kurz for organising this very important and timely conference, not the least since the European Commission is in the process of preparing its European Agenda for Security.

In our conference panel this morning, we discussed with EU and Western Balkan Ministers how to tackle jihadism together. There was broad agreement that the time has come to transform our common will into common action.

Foreign fighters represent a significant threat to regional and to European security. We have a shared interest in preventing and countering the influx of European-born violent extremists into Syria, Iraq and elsewhere.

The recent terrorist attacks in Brussels, Paris, and Copenhagen underscore the sense of urgency about this threat. That is why Europe is focusing on the prevention of radicalisation, countering extremist discourse on-line, improving border security, and cracking down on terrorist financing. These efforts can only succeed if they involve the close cooperation between the EU, the Member States, and our Western Balkan partners.

We discussed how to improve regional cooperation, information sharing and closer cooperation with EU agencies. The Commission is fully committed to the EU's "Western Balkan Counter-Terrorism initiative" which aims at better understanding the needs and priorities of the Western Balkan countries for tackling the Jihadist threat and identifying opportunities for enhanced cooperation. Moreover, the Radicalisation Awareness Network has invited Western Balkan experts to join its activities and projects.

I look forward to continuing and strengthening the cooperation between the European Union and our Western Balkan neighbours to tackle jihadism and radicalisation. Fighting this problem will take time and we can only do it together.

Thank you


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