Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 16/03/2015 - Main results

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 17 maart 2015, 1:21.

For imports , most member states were in favour of a gradual shift to a compliance regime. Third countries would have to apply EU standards, but some derogations and an appropriate transition period would allow for a smooth adaptation. On controls, most member states prefer to keep mandatory annual inspections but with the possible addition of risk based controls.

Implementation and simplification of the CAP

In the debate, ministers exchanged views on their experiences in the implementation of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The most important issues highlighted as needing simplification in direct payments were the 'greening' measures and the controls.

Minister Jānis Dūklavs recalled that "member states supported the efforts of Presidency to agree Council conclusions on CAP simplification in May. Some of the issues raised by the member states require urgent attention as rules will have to apply on the ground already this spring. There are some areas where simplification might be possible through minor amendments to the existing provisions established by the Commission".

Agenda of the meeting

Indicative programme, Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 16 March 2015

Provisional agenda, Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 16 March 2015

List of A items, non legislative activities, Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 16 March 2015

Background brief

Milk sector

The Commission described the situation with regard to the dairy market in the context of the abolition of the milk quota system next April. Many member states expressed concerns, but some considered that the sector should be able to adapt to the change by using instruments already available within the framework of direct payments and rural development. Some pointed out that price volatility could have a significant effect on milk producers, and that the Commission would therefore have to monitor the situation very closely through the Milk Market Observatory and put forward appropriate proposals to address the issue if necessary.

For the President of the Council, Minister Duklavs said: "The milk market will have to be monitored closely to assess how the abolition of milk quotas will affect the sector. The Presidency will continue to encourage discussions in the Council in order to give appropriate guidance to the Commission on necessary measures".

Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy

Outcome of the Council meeting




Agriculture and Fisheries Council: Other meetings

DEC 15

JAN 26

Mar 16

APR 20

MAY 11

Last reviewed on 16/03/2015




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