Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, 13/03/2015 - Main results

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 14 maart 2015, 1:26.

Railway market opening and governance

The Council held a public policy debate on two proposals to improve rail services in the EU (fourth railway package). The proposals aim to liberalise passenger services and strengthen the governance of railway infrastructure. "Today's productive debate will help us to move forward to foster the performance and competitiveness of the European railway sector. We aim at reaching a general approach on both proposals by the end of our presidency", said Anrijs Matīss, the Latvian Minister for Transport, who chaired the meeting.

"Today's productive debate will help us to move forward to foster the performance and competitiveness of the European railway sector."

Anrijs Matīss, Latvian Minister for Transport

Transport policy and growth and jobs

Ministers also discussed ways in which transport policy can boost competitiveness, growth and jobs. Ministers considered, among other things, how the EU transport network could be made more effective in the context of increasing global competition. "The EU transport industry directly employs more than 10 million people and accounts for about 9% of GDP. Growth, jobs and investment are generated by increased internal mobility and more effective external links", said minister Matīss. Ministers' views will be summed up in a joint synthesis report, which will be submitted to the March European Council as part of the annual European Semester process.

Forthcoming ASEM transport ministers' meeting

Under any other business, the presidency briefed ministers on the third ASEM transport ministers' meeting on the development of Euro-Asia transport connections. The meeting will take place in Riga on 29-30 April.

Agenda of the meeting

Indicative programme, Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, 13 March 2015

Provisional agenda, Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, 13 March 2015

List of A items, non legislative activities, Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, 13 March 2015

Background brief


The presidency also briefed ministers on the outcome of the conference on Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS or drones) in Riga on 5-6 March 2015. "There is an emerging market of RPAS. We need to create a favorable investment climate and clear rules to further develop the drone industry in Europe to maintain its leading position", said Minister Matīss. Aviation issues - in particular the role of aviation as a key driver for economic growth - were also the topic of ministers' working lunch. The debate will contribute to the preparation of the Commission's upcoming Aviation package.

The 4th railway package

European Semester

Outcome of the Council meeting




Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council: Other meetings



Mar 13


JUN 11

Last reviewed on 13/03/2015




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