Venezuela: MEPs deeply concerned about violent crackdown on protesters

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 12 maart 2015, 13:00.

The Venezuelan authorities must immediately release all peaceful protesters, students and opposition leaders arbitrarily detained for exercising their right to freedom of expression and fundamental rights, Parliament said in a vote on Thursday. The government must also put an end to the political persecution and repression of the democratic opposition, it added.

In the resolution, passed by 384 votes to 75, with 45 abstentions, MEPs call on the authorities immediately to release Antonio Ledezma, Leopoldo Lopez, Daniel Ceballos, and all peaceful protesters, students and opposition leaders arbitrarily detained for exercising their right to freedom of expression and fundamental rights. All the political prisoners must be given medical attention and have immediate, private and regular access to their families and lawyers of their choice, they add.

Let human rights defenders and NGOs do their work, security for all

The government must also create an environment in which human rights defenders and independent non-governmental organisations can do their legitimate work of promoting human rights and democracy and ensuring the security of all citizens, regardless of their political views and affiliations, MEPs insist. They point to the particular responsibility of Venezuela, as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, to comply with the rule of law and international law.

Restraint and genuine national dialogue needed

MEPs are concerned that new protests could lead to more violence, which would further polarise the already sensitive political developments in Venezuela. They call on all parties and sections of society to remain calm in both actions and words.

They also point out that the opposition has suffered arbitrary detentions and attacks in an election year, which could cast doubt on the legitimacy of the electoral process. They call on the authorities to use the pre-election period to establish a genuine national dialogue, with the meaningful participation of all democratic political forces.

Vote result

The resolution was passed by 384 votes to 75, with 45 abstentions.


Local and international organisations report that one year after the peaceful demonstrations in Venezuela, over 1,700 protesters await trial, more than 69 remain jailed, and at least 40 have been killed in protests. Their murderers remain unaccountable.

REF. : 20150306IPR31832