Counter-terrorism cooperation with Arab League must respect fundamental rights

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 12 maart 2015, 12:54.

Parliament hailed counter-terrorism cooperation between the EU and the League of Arab States in a vote on Thursday, but stressed it must not compromise the rule of law, human and fundamental rights. The recently-signed memorandum of understanding between the two organisations must be made public, it added.

Terrorism poses a direct threat to all countries and all people, regardless of their ethnic background, religion or belief. It can be countered effectively only by a global alliance, in full compliance with international law, fundamental values and international human rights standards, MEPs said.

Countering terrorism is no excuse for violating rights

Counter-terrorism measures must never be abused to repress legitimate dissent, or to violate people’s universal human rights, MEPs insist. They call on the EU to build clear safeguards into its cooperation with third countries, to ensure that it does not support or legitimise the repression of legitimate organisations and individuals.

To ensure proper democratic and judicial oversight, MEPs also ask that the recently-signed memorandum of understanding between the European External Action Service and the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States on counter-terrorism cooperation be made public.

Tackle terrorism at its roots

Jihadist terrorism is a key cause of today’s terrorist threat in the EU and the Arab states, say MEPs. They stress the need to tackle the underlying factors of radicalisation and to take a comprehensive approach to fighting terrorism. Counter-terrorism measures cannot work effectively without the close cooperation of its countries of origin, they add.

Human rights cooperation with the Arab League

The text stresses the importance of co-operation between the EU and the League of Arab States to promote, protect and uphold all human rights for all. It also calls on Arab countries and EU member states to protect religious minorities in the Arab world and give full effect to EU guidelines on the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief.

REF. : 20150306IPR31838

Updated: ( 12-03-2015 - 14:32)