MEPs concerned about polarisation in Western Balkans countries

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 11 maart 2015, 13:52.

Assessing the reform progress of Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in 2014, Parliament points in resolutions passed on Wednesday to continuing challenges with the rule of law, corruption, discrimination, the pace of structural reform and the polarisation of politics. It hails the resumption of high-level talks between Pristina and Belgrade and says their relations must be fully normalised.

Serbia - continue on the EU path

In its resolution, Parliament welcomes the new Serbian government's commitment to the EU integration process and its constructive approach to relations with neighbours. The accession process must nonetheless be more inclusive and transparent, it says. Serbia must also do more to reform the judiciary, increase the transparency of media ownership and step up its drive to align its foreign and security policy with that of the EU, notably when it comes to Russia, MEPs say.

"2014 was an important year for Serbia, with the beginning of accession talks. Their duration will depend on Serbia's ability to make sustained progress in key areas such as the rule of law, economic governance and the normalisation of relations with Kosovo. I am convinced this progress can - and will - be made. The train from Belgrade is on its track towards Brussels," said the EP rapporteur for Serbia, David McAllister (EPP, DE).

Kosovo - back to work after stalemate

The end of the six-month political stalemate in Kosovo highlights the urgent need to continue on a European course and put the necessary reforms in motion, MEPs say. The rule of law, the independence of the judiciary and effective measures to fight corruption should top the new government’s list of priorities, says Parliament. It calls on the Council to adopt, early in 2015, the decision to sign the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Kosovo, as this will create a powerful incentive for reform.

"Today's vote by a large majority shows strong support for Kosovo’s European future. The EU should accelerate the visa liberalisation process for Kosovo and the government in Pristina has to take concrete steps towards providing its citizens with a future in a thriving Kosovo. We also have again issued a clear call to the five recalcitrant EU member states to recognise the state of Kosovo,“ said the rapporteur, Ulrike Lunacek (Greens/EFA, AT).

Montenegro - lead with responsibility

MEPs hail Montenegro's progress and point to its current status as the only country in the region opening and provisionally closing negotiating chapters, while underlining the responsibility this brings. They welcome Montenegro’s full alignment with the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy but say that progress is still needed in fighting corruption, ensuring the independence of the judiciary and guaranteeing freedom of expression and of the media.

"The resolution reflects a fair picture of Montenegro, praising its progress where illustrated and offering advice where improvement is needed. Montenegro's commitment to the EU accession process is strong and it will be important politically to retain domestic cross-party support. The EU acquis sets tough benchmarks for membership but in my view Montenegro remains on the right track," said Charles Tannock (ECR, UK), who steered the resolution through Parliament.

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - constructive political cooperation needed

MEPs call for the ninth time on the Council to set a date for launching accession talks with Skopje without delay, or risk undermining the credibility of the EU’s enlargement policy. The EU foreign policy chief must also come up with new initiatives to end the stalemate over the name issue and facilitate dialogue to end the polarised political climate within the country, they say. The government and the opposition should join forces in accelerating the European agenda and ensure constructive political cooperation, says Parliament.

"With today´s vote we are giving full support for the European perspective of Macedonia. Now it is high time for Council to give the green light for the opening of access negotiations and for Macedonia and Greece to find a mutually acceptable solution to the name issue. A stable and prosperous Macedonia is in the interests of its neighbours and of Europe as a whole," said the rapporteur, Ivo Vajgl (ALDE, SL).

The four resolutions were passed by show of hands.

REF. : 20150306IPR31788

Updated: ( 11-03-2015 - 14:12)