Brabant successfully concludes the European Entrepreneurial Region 2014

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 10 maart 2015.

In 2014 the province of Noord-Brabant was the proud winner of the European Entrepreneurial Region Award (EER Award). This is a European recognition of the leadership and strategy of all the involved entrepreneurs in the region.

On 9 and 10 March the jury of the EER Award visited Brabant to see what this Award had generated for Brabant in 2014 and to experience the entrepreneurial spirit in the region for itself.

According to Markku Markkula, President of the European Committee of the Regions and also chairman of the jury, Brabant has made optimal use of the Award. “Our visit to Pivot Park and the High Tech Campus, as well as all the entrepreneurs we spoke to, have shown us why the province of Noord-Brabant is so successful in the fields of innovation, entrepreneurial spirit and cooperation. One of the European Committee of the Regions objectives is to help regions develop such "Regional Ecosystems" based on the Triple Helix model. For this to happen we need to look into the EU multi-financing initiatives such as structural investment funds, Horizon 2020 and the recently launched Juncker Investment plan, to which also Brabant King's Commissioner Wim van de Donk i contributes as member of the European Committee of the Regions. We would like to congratulate Brabant most warmly on such a worthwhile EER year. 

The King's Commissioner, Wim van de Donk, added, “Political vision is a powerful instrument when it comes to raising initiatives to a higher level. The EER Award has helped to involve all the actors in the development and implementation of our entrepreneurial spirit strategy. Networks have been created and reinforced, both nationally and internationally. In my opinion, international cooperation is a condition for successful innovation. The network of EER regions including, among others, Flanders and Southern Denmark, is therefore extremely valuable. Flanders has, for example, engaged in an excellent entrepreneurial-related partnership in the creative and cultural sector.

Lastly, an Award like this helps to attract new businesses from other areas of the Netherlands and from abroad.

Although the EER year is ending for Brabant we will, of course, continue to work robustly on our entrepreneurial spirit and will continue to be involved in the EER network. This year the Award is going to go to other regions. We wish them plenty of success and inspiration!