Video Environment Briefing: EU ETS, ILUC, Circular Economy Package and Environment Council

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 3 maart 2015.

In this Brussels Briefing on Environment, leading environment journalist Sonja van Renssen provides an overview of the latest EU environment policy developments:

  • The European Environment Agency (EEA i) has issued its annual State of the Environment Report
  • The Circular Economy Package presented by previous EU Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik i has been officially withdrawn. A new package due after the summer, will include binding recycling targets
  • To be presented this spring: a “State of Nature” report
  • EU Environment Council on Friday 6 March
  • MEPs are poised to start negotiations with Member States on the EU ETS Market Stability Reserve (MSR) and new rules on indirect land-use change (ILUC) for biofuels
  • Heating and cooling conference plugs district heating and heat pumps

Featuring statements by EU Environment Commissioner Karmenu Vella i, Ivo Belet i MEP (EPP), rapporteur for the greenhouse gas emission trading scheme (EU ETS i) and Nils Torvalds i MEP (ALDE i), the European Parliament’s rapporteur on Indirect Land-Use Change (ILUC).


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