Passenger rights: Commission refers Austria and Luxembourg to the EU Court of Justice for not complying with bus and coach rules

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 26 februari 2015.

The European Commission has referred Austria and Luxembourg to the European Court of Justice for not complying with the EU Regulation establishing the rights of passengers travelling by bus and coach (Regulation (EU) No 181/2011).

According to the Regulation, Member States have to designate competent authorities to monitor the application of the rules and to handle passenger complaints. They have to set up a penalty system to sanction those operators that breach the Regulation, and they have to designate terminals where disabled passengers can receive appropriate assistance for their journeys. Austria has not adopted any of these measures despite the Commission's reasoned opinion of March 2014. Luxembourg has failed to set up the necessary penalty system despite the Commission's reasoned opinion of September 2014.


Member States were given two years between the publication of the Regulation and the day when it became applicable to ensure its implementation. Any further delay constitutes a failure to ensure the correct application of the Regulation and to guarantee the rights of the citizens travelling by bus and coach in the EU.

For more information

On the February infringement package decisions, see MEMO/15/4489

On the general infringement procedure, see MEMO/12/12

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