Eurogroup President cautiously optimistic on euro zone economy and Greek reforms

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 24 februari 2015, 14:20.

The state of play in Eurogroup talks with Greece is set to dominate the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee’s regular debate on euro zone i economic indicators with Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem i on Tuesday morning. Soon after this meeting, Eurogroup ministers could debate a list of reform measures which the Greek government is set to table on Monday.

Greece’s euro zone peers expect it to stick to its commitment to a broader and deeper structural reform process, aimed at growth and employment, ensuring stability of the financial sector and enhancing social fairness, say Eurogroup ministers in the conclusions of their meeting last Friday. The Greek government has pledged to implement reforms to tackle corruption and tax evasion and improve public sector efficiency.

You can watch the debate live via webstreaming on EP Live and EbS+ and our Twitter coverage @EP_Economics with #eurogroup.

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