European Commission and EESC - Working hand in hand to deliver solutions for Europe

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité (EESC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 19 februari 2015.

A strong message of support was sent to organised civil society at the EESC’s 505th plenary session with the visit of Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. The new EC President pledged increased cooperation between the two institutions, notably in the context of the 2015 Work Programme on which he welcomed the EESC contribution.

Referring to a bilateral meeting with the Commission President, Henri Malosse welcomed the Commission’s determination to refocus its legislative action. “Europeans expect a new lease of life for Europe, they expect quick and effective changes. The EESC stands ready to face this challenge, together with the European Commission and the European Parliament, by cooperating more and better" said EESC President Henri Malosse.

Underlining the Committee’s support to the EU Investment Plan to boost job creation and growth, the President stressed that top priority should be given to education and skills acquisition, innovation, entrepreneurship, energy transition and the green economy: "The people of Europe are calling for us to act in response to their worries about unemployment, de-industrialisation, stalled growth, and the fight against climate change."

All the problems that exist in Europe are not necessarily problems that can be solved by Europe. But I believe there is a role for Europe and a need for Europe. It is time to channel positive attitude. The EESC Members can help us do that: we need to enter into a dialogue with Europeans and I need you to show them the evidence about Europe” said the Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker. “We need to achieve a functioning Internal Market, prioritise the social dimension of Europe and set the Digital Europe and the Energy Union in motion. This is how we will create jobs and growth.”

In the following debate, EESC Members welcomed President Juncker's determination to involve the social partners and civil society in the reforms. The three EESC Groups (Employers, Workers and Various Interests) stressed the urgency of shaping a sustainable economic recovery. It was underlined that the European project, based on peace and reconciliation between the peoples of Europe, must stand strong and united when confronted with acts of hatred and terror.

Note to the editor

  • Recordings of the plenary session are available on EbS and on the EESC website.