Much Ado About PNR

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 19 februari 2015, 19:04.

Timothy Kirkhope i is the MEP responsible for drafting the Parliament's report on the Passeneger Name Record (PNR) proposal. He describes PNR as “very important when dealing not only with recent events like terrible terrorism attacks in Paris, but also of course with major criminality”. As the debate over PNR intensifies, watch our video where he addresses questions and concerns from NGOs and airlines over the balance between freedom and security.

“PNR has been around for three years, as a very worthwhile project to try and put some European standards in place for the information which is taken from passengers”, says British ECR member Timothy Kirkhope.

For more on PNR and the related concerns, watch our EuroparlTV video above.

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