Declaration of the President of the European Economic and Social Committee on Immigration

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité (EESC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 18 februari 2015.

As president of the European Economic and Social Committee and in particular upon request of our Malta delegation, we draw attention to the recent tragic events in the Mediterranean region, where once again hundreds of people have lost their lives while attempting to cross from North Africa into Europe.

This tragic story has been told before and will be told again and again and again. More concrete measures should be taken. Thousands of people are dying each year as the countries patrolling the Mediterranean coast continue to struggle to save as many people as possible.

The task at hand is however quite clearly well beyond the limited means of the individual Member States, as the resources provided both in human and in financial framework, have proven to be a drop in the ocean. A comprehensive, cohesive and consistent European effort is urgently required. In our view, it is unacceptable that the European Union, based on values of solidarity and justice, continues to play a passive role despite its rhetoric. Actions on European level are needed, within the context of Frontex for example.

In light of the current tragic events and particularly in view of the rapidly deteriorating situation in Libya and the consequent risk of unprecedented flows, the European Economic and Social Committee requests that the European institutions and the European Member States take urgent actions in order to stop this scandalous ineffectiveness on its tracks.

Henri Malosse