Discussion between Prime Minister Straujuma and European Council President Tusk: peace must finally be restored in Ukraine

Met dank overgenomen van Lets voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2015 (Lets voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 12 februari 2015.

On February 12 in Brussels, during her meeting with the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk i, Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma i expressed the hope that the Minsk negotiations on the solution to the military conflict in Ukraine will result in an end to armed conflict and further diplomatic negotiations in which the EU takes a united and steadfast position.

"The war cannot go on, peace must finally be restored in Ukraine," said Ms Straujuma.

The two officials discussed the next steps in fighting terrorism and eliminating its causes. The Latvian Presidency, during which the EU Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs meeting in Riga have already developed an action plan for the EU Member States to combat terrorism and eliminate its causes more successfully, will continue to actively raise these issues on its agenda. "We will continue work on the EU Passenger Name Record System, the EU Internal Security Strategy, the Information Security Directive and restricting the financing of terrorism", Ms Straujuma confirmed to Mr Tusk.

Discussing the current developments in the euro area, Ms Straujuma expressed her hope that Greece will meet its obligations. "In order to overcome the crisis, meet its obligations and return to growth, Latvia has gone through enormous reforms which were tough for society. We are therefore convinced that overcoming the crisis is also possible in other countries, and we are ready to share our experience in reforms with Greece. Our primary goal is a stable and united euro area, so we will have to reach a solution," said the Latvian Prime Minister.