“Latvian Days” in Strasbourg to mark the Latvian Presidency

Met dank overgenomen van Lets voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2015 (Lets voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 4 februari 2015.

In honour of the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the 20th anniversary of Latvia's membership of the Council of Europe, the Permanent Representation of Latvia to the Council of Europe is organising Latvian Days in Strasbourg from 9 - 15 February.

The Latvian Days will include a concert by the Latvian accordionist Ksenija Sidorova, an exhibition by professors from the Art Academy of Latvia (AAL) entitled Breakfast in Europe, a discussion with Members of the European Parliament and a screening of the Latvian movie, Mother, I love you.

“Latvia has been a Member State of the Council of Europe for 20 years, and a Member State of the EU for 10 years. And now we hold the Presidency of the EU Council. This affirms Latvia's significant role in the European family of nations. In honour of these events the name of Latvia will resonate for one week in one of the most European cities - Strasbourg,  says Latvia’s Ambassador to the Council of Europe, Rolands Lappuķe.

The opening of the Latvian Days will take place on 9 February with the AAL exhibition at the European Parliamentary Association (APE). The Breakfast in Europe exhibition is made up of porcelain plates and photographic prints that reflect special moments experienced in journeys around Europe. The exhibition will be on display from 10 - 15 February.

Exhibition of the Art Academy of Latvia "Breakfast in Europe". Photo: Inese Kundziņa

On 10 February, the discussion, “Contemporary geopolitical choices: role of transatlantic trade and policy , will take place at the APE. Two Latvian MEP’s, Artis Pabriks i and Andrejs Mamikins i, German MEP Daniel Caspary i, as well as diplomats from the USA and Canada, will take part in the discussion hosted by the Latvian journalist, Pauls Raudseps.

On 11 February, the young and promising Latvian accordionist Ksenija Sidorova will give a concert at the Munsterhof concert hall ( Salle du Munsterhof). The concert will include some of the most popular original compositions written for accordion, as well as transcriptions of classical works to which the accordion brings new life.

Ksenija Sidorova. Publicity photo

On 13 February, residents and guests of Strasbourg are invited to enjoy a Latvian movie night. There will be a screening of the film Mother, I love you (Mammu, es Tevi mīlu) by the director Jānis Nords.

Entrance to the Latvian Days events is free of charge. Please confirm your attendance at the concert, discussion and movie night by email: contact[at]ape-europa.eu or telephone: +33 388251949 (in French or English).

The Latvian Days in Strasbourg are organised by the Permanent Representation of Latvia to the Council of Europe in cooperation with the APE, the Secretariat of the Latvian Presidency of the EU Council and the AAL. The Breakfast in Europe exhibition and the concert by Ksenija Sidorova are also part of the Latvian Presidency's cultural programme.

The Council of Europe is an international organisation and is a separate body from the European Union. Latvia became a Member State in 1995. The goal of the Council of Europe is to promote human rights, democracy and the rule of law in all 47 of its Member States.