Video EU Environment Briefing: ETS, ILUC, biofuels, air quality package, shale gas & circular economy

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op woensdag 4 februari 2015.

In this Brussels Briefing on Environment, leading environment journalist Sonja van Renssen provides an overview of the latest EU environment policy developments:

  • ENVI Committee vote on a market stability reserve for the EU ETS on 24 February
  • Discussions on ILUC and biofuels, also with an ENVI vote on 24 February
  • UN talks: preparations for New York summit on post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals & the Paris climate talks
  • First suggestion from the Commission on what will be in the new circular economy package
  • Air quality package (NEC directive revision) can go ahead as planned: Commission will not modify it
  • Shale gas is climbing back up the agenda - scoreboard due out soon
  • Environment Council meeting on 6 March - 2020 strategy review

Featuring statements by Jos Delbeke, Director-General for Climate Action at the European Commission and Karl Falkenberg, Director-General for Environment at the Commission.