Video LuxLeaks: "Juncker's credibility might be at risk", argues lead MEP on tax evasion inquiry

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op maandag 2 februari 2015.

In an exclusive interview with viEUws, Danish MEP Morten Messerschmidt (ECR), the co-rapporteur for the LuxLeaks inquiry report, discusses with Matthew Newman, Senior Correspondent at MLex, the importance of the proposed European Parliament investigation into tax evasion and fraud in the European Union.

On 14 January, more than a quarter of MEPs supported an inquiry committee into tax evasion, following the LuxLeaks scandal. The Conference of Presidents - representing the President of the European Parliament and leaders of the political groups - still has to decide on the LuxLeaks inquiry mandate on 5 February. According to Messerschmidt, Parliament has been taking tax avoidance seriously from the very beginning , as “it is unacceptable that companies do not pay taxes where they make their money“. Furthermore, the MEP argues that Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s credibility might be at risk if the investigation reveals preferential treatment to certain companies in breach of state aid rules during his time as Prime Minister of Luxembourg.

LuxLeaks: “Juncker’s credibility might be at risk”, argues lead MEP on tax evasion inquiry tweet