Video Juncker's €315bn plan: "political interference in investment decisions cannot be accepted" emphasises the EPP Group

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 27 januari 2015.

Lénaïc Vaudin d’Imécourt is joined by Antti Timonen, spokesperson for the EPP Group, to discuss Juncker’s €315 billion investment plan as well as the role of the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI).

During the 28 January plenary session, the European Parliament will exchange views with both the Council and Commission about the new funding instrument that aims to boost €315 billion in private and public investment over a three year period. They will also discuss the key pillar of Juncker’s investment plan, the European Fund for Strategic Investment, which will make €21 billion EU money available with the goal of leveraging 15 times more private capital.

European Fund for Strategic Investment: “political interference in investment decisions cannot be accepted”, claims the EPP Group tweet