AGRIFISH will discuss proposals for the Multiannual Plan on Fish Resources in the Baltic Sea

Met dank overgenomen van Lets voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2015 (Lets voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 23 januari 2015.

On January 26, the Minister for Agriculture, Jānis Dūklavs will chair the meeting of EU Council of Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries (AGRIFISH), in Brussels. During the meeting, Latvia's Presidency of EU Council is planning to present the agenda of the Presidency.

The major issue that will be dealt with at the EU Council of Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries will be the proposal for the European Parliament and of the Council Regulation, laying down the Multiannual Plan for Baltic Sea cod, Baltic herring and sprat stocks in the Baltic Sea and fisheries using these stocks. The proposal is aiming at drawing up of such management measures that would ensure attainment of the objectives set by the Common Fisheries Policy. After the Common Fisheries Policy has been reformed, the approach to the management of stocks has changed, and this is the first new-type multiannual plan. All the States have shown interest to participate in discussions on the draft Regulation. Therefore, Latvia's Presidency has started consideration of the proposal in working group on matters of internal and external fisheries policy of EU Council.

The Ministers will discuss the agricultural market developments including the ban on agricultural products introduced by Russia, which has already been in force for five months. This has seriously impacted EU agriculture and had negative consequences for economy in general. The Commission has approved the intention to continue some market support measures of the Common Agricultural Policy, which were adopted after entry into force of the ban, as well as it has adopted a number of compensatory measures to support producers particularly in the sector of milk, fruits and vegetables.

On Monday, there will be the discussion at the Council meeting, regarding the impact on economy of the EU Member States left by the ban introduced by Russia, and Ministers will hear an assessment by the European Commission of the current situation. This issue is very important for the European Union.