The Latvian Minister for Transport introduces the Presidency priorities to the European Parliament

Met dank overgenomen van Lets voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2015 (Lets voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 20 januari 2015.

On Tuesday 20 January, Anrijs Matīss, the Latvian Minister for Transport, attended the EP Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) to present the priorities of the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) in the field of transport. The minister admitted that transport is one of the cornerstones of engaged and competitive Europe.

“From the perspective of the European geography, its citizens and global markets, we have a challenge but also a necessity for a balanced, safe and connected transport system, that is geared towards continuous development. It should also be based on innovative and sustainable solutions for infrastructure and logistics,  told Anrijs Matīss.

He assured that the Latvian Presidency will work pragmatically and constructively with all EU member states. Moreover, the Latvian program in transport matches with the ideas and priorities of Juncker’s Commission. It focuses on growth, competitiveness and sustainability. Anrijs Matīss expressed hope that Latvia, together with the EP, will be able to find successful compromise which will ensure a better regulation. It will provide both the EU’s consumers and businesses with better advantages of the single market in transport.

One of the Latvian Presidency’s main priorities in transport is strengthening the railway network. Mr Matīss told: “The progress on the Fourth Railway Package is critical for the development of the European single transport area. The work on the package is therefore one of our main priorities. To conclude the inter-institutional negotiations on the technical pillar is the key".

In the field of air transport the Latvian Presidency will continue working on the proposal on air passenger rights. The discussions in the working group will be based on the unsolved issues, which will help to move forward.

In order to highlight the importance of the common TEN-T network and the established corridors, the Ministry of Transport of Latvia is pleased to be a counterpart to the European Commission to hold the TEN-T Corridors Days in Riga in 25th-26th of June 2015.

Given the high priority Latvia attaches to the development of an efficient Europe-Asia transport corridors, Latvia will host the Third ASEM Transport Minister’s meeting in Riga on 29 and 30 April.

On Wednesday, 21st of January, A.Matiss will address a speech to the EP Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) committee. Minister will introduce parliamentarians the Latvian Presidency priorities in the field of digital agenda.