HR/VP Mogherini addresses European Parliament on foreign policy priorities and Libya

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 15 januari 2015.

High Representative/Vice President Mogherini addressed the plenary of the European Parliament this week to outline priorities for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Foreign and Defence Policy of the European Union.

HR/VP Mogherini began her remarks commenting on the tragic events in Paris and expressing her solidarity with the French nation, above all the families of the victims. These events had important consequences for the European Union as a whole:

"It is not the first time that out of tragedy we are able to build new things", she said. "If we don't want our European Union to turn into history and be confined to the past, we have to be as brave and as wise as our founding fathers. Out of our tragedy (in Paris) we have the duty to rebuild our EU, starting from our strength, starting from our unity, starting from our solidarity - starting from ourselves."

The High Representative concluded that from recent events there were three lessons to be drawn for the future of EU foreign policy: first, the need to work more closely together; second, the need to overcome the distinction between internal and external policies and work on a more coherent approach addressing all aspects of security; and, third, the need to define a new strategy to deal with an increasingly complex world order.

Mogherini also made a statement on the current situation in Libya. Speaking about the talks between Libyan parties convened by UN Special Representative Bernardino Leon, she stated: "This is an opportunity the Libyans cannot afford to miss... There is no alternative to dialogue."

The High Representative reiterated the EU's strong support to this process and reconciliation in the country together with the international community. She also stressed the need for Libyans to take ownership of the dialogue: "This is a decision that is in the hands of the Libyans. Our role can be and will be to support a process that needs to start in Libya itself."

During the parliamentary session in Strasbourg Mogherini also took the time for an in-depth exchange on current priorities for EU foreign policy with the External Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (AFET).

Find out more:

EP Opening Statement by HRVP Federica Mogherini

Federica Mogherini on Ukraine - European Parliament Plenary Session

Main aspects and basic choices of the common foreign and security policy and the common security and defence policy: extracts from the debate