Egypt: "We need to support the transition process"

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 14 januari 2015, 11:55.

The EU should help to stabilise the situation in Egypt where the political situation continues to be difficult, according to MEP Marisa Matias. The chair of the delegation for Mashreq countries, which includes Egypt, said: "We need to support the transition process and the EU could propose itself as an intermediary." MEPs discuss the situation in Egypt with EU foreign chief Federica Mogherini on Wednesday and vote on a resolution Thursday. They will also discuss the situation in Nigeria.


Egypt is holding parliamentary elections in March and April 2015. Matias, a Portuguese member of the GUE/NGL group, said the EU could play an important role as an intermediary by working together towards national political reconciliation with all parties, should they wish so. “Egypt is in a difficult process to end a crisis after a period of high instability," she said. "We should work to promote civil peace and holding parliamentary elections is a positive step. The goals should be achieving political and social peace, confronting terrorism and protecting human rights.”

Previously MEPs have also expressed concerns about the increasingly severe clampdown and physical attacks on both media and civil society in Egypt.


MEPs will also discuss the situation in Nigeria with Mogherini, following the recent atrocities in the north of the country. Last week Boko Haram attacked the fishing town of Baga, killing an estimated 2,000 people. This weekend more people died in a suicide bomg attack in a market. The vote on a resolution is planned for February.

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REF. : 20150113STO07502