EU Ministers for Culture issue joint statement on freedom of expression

Met dank overgenomen van Lets voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2015 (Lets voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op zondag 11 januari 2015.

Ministers for culture of all the 28 Member States of the European Union have issued a joint statement with regard to the tragic events at the Charlie Hebdo editorial office in Paris on 7 January.

The joint statement is an initiative of the Presidency of the Council of European Union and was drawn up in close cooperation between the minister for culture of Latvia Ms Dace Melbārde and the minister for culture and communication of the Republic of France Ms Fleur Pellerin.

Following the invitation of both ministers to their counterparts in other EU Member states, the Ministers for Culture of all EU member states have joined this initiative, reaffirming the importance of artistic freedom and freedom of expression in the EU. The signatories stand in solidarity to defend the freedom of expression and vow to protect the rights of artists to create freely.


On Wednesday 7 January 2015, a terrorist attack on the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris killed 12 people, most of them journalists and artists working for the magazine.

Despite regular death threats, they had vowed to continue expressing their freedom to think and to create with humour and talent. They were murdered because they drew and published cartoons.

This unspeakable act was intended to silence them forever, to terminate the publication of the magazine and more broadly, to restrict the freedom to think, to speak and to create. These freedoms are core values of European democracy. They are universal democratic values.

In this time of profound sadness and grief, we, the ministers of culture of the European Union, condemn this senseless barbarity, which attempts to undermine our essential values in the most violent way.

We unanimously express our belief that artistic freedom and freedom of expression stand firm and unflinching at the heart of our common European values. France and her allies in the EU safeguard these values and promote them in the world. We affirm our determination to continue to do so in the future.

We, the ministers of culture of the European Union, do not accept terrorists' attempts to impose their own standards. Since time immemorial, the arts have been an inspiration for reflection giving rise to new ideas and fighting against intolerance and ignorance. It is the freedom of expression in a culturally diverse environment that brings these ideas into meaningful dialogue.

We, the ministers of culture of the European Union, stand in solidarity to defend the freedom of expression and vow to protect the rights of artists to create freely.