Officials and experts discuss the needs of persons with disabilities throughout the disaster management cycle

Met dank overgenomen van Lets voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2015 (Lets voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 10 januari 2015.

On 12 January in the National Library of Latvia Minister for the Interior, Rihards Kozlovskis, and Minister for Welfare, Uldis Augulis, will open the two-day workshop on the needs of persons with disabilities throughout the disaster management cycle.

The workshop will start with three panel discussions: needs of persons with disabilities throughout disaster management cycle, best practices in civil protection for persons with disabilities and use of new technologies and innovative solutions for persons with disabilities during emergencies. Each panel discussion will be facilitated by experts who will analyse the topic from the perspective of disaster management cycle, particularly prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. After the panel discussions all participants will be split in three working groups (prevention, preparedness, response & recovery) to discuss the issue of persons with disabilities in different areas of disaster management cycle in more detail.

The workshop will be attended by experts in the field of civil protection, as well as experts working with issues concerning the needs and interests of persons with disabilities, members of the European Commission, European Parliament, United Nations and experts from international and national NGO’s.

In order to demonstrate practical examples of new technologies and innovative solutions there will be an exhibition in between workshop sessions on 13 January.

Presidency’s workshop and the following Council Conclusions will reflect Union’s approach for inclusive disaster management and will compliment Union’s position on principles for new International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, which will be adopted during the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan, Sendai on 14-18 March.

Official opening and panel discussions will be web streamed through and official webpage of the Latvian Presidency