"Je suis Charlie": eerbetoon van EP aan slachtoffers aanslag op Charlie Hebdo

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 8 januari 2015, 15:04.

To show solidarity with the French citizens, authorities and the victims of this deadly attack, the EP President Martin Schulz i invited all MEPs tomorrow to the Agora Simone Veil, in front of the European Parliament in Brussels, at 10:45 to observe a minute of silence.

Martin Schulz said: “We have learnt with great shock and sadness of the terrorist attack against the Paris office of weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo. This heinous act is an attack against our values of freedom of expression and freedom of the press, against tolerance and mutual respect. I condemn it strongly.”

“On behalf of the European Parliament, I express my condolences to the families and friends of the victims,” he added.

Time and venue: 8 January 2015 at 10:45 - Agora Simone Veil

REF. : 20150107IPR05201