High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini visited Baghdad

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 23 december 2014.

High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini i visited Baghdad on 22 December where she met President of the Republic Fuad Masoum, Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi and Foreign Minister Ibrahim al Jaafari. On 23rd, she travelled to Erbil and discussed with President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Massoud Barzani and Prime-Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani the major challenges facing the Kurdistan region and its people, both with regard to the fight against Da'esh and in confronting the humanitarian disaster that Da'esh has created.

In a Joint press conference by Federica Mogherini with Ibrahim Al-Jafaari, Iraqi Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Bert Koenders i, Dutch Minister for Foreign Affairs, the High Representative sent a message of solidarity to the Iraq people and confirmed the EU readiness to support and deepen the relationship with Iraq. " The EU is committed to support Iraq not only now in the fight against DA'ESH but for many years [...]it is a long standing support and we hope that we can go back to the normal support which goes even further than the one related to the fight against Da'esh. " Said Federica Mogherini who stressed on the importance of uniting to fight Da'esh "More than a coalition we need an alliance, a partnership, to destroy these roots, to prevent more young people to be attracted by an ideology of destruction and hate, we need to work together and show that first, religion has nothing to do with that; and second, we are on the same side on this, all of us, there is no clash of civilization, there is an alliance of civilization against terror and fear against a culture prone to destroy human lives."

In Erbil, HR/VP Mogherini discussed the major challenges facing the Kurdistan region and its people with President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Massoud Barzani and Prime-Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani. "Victory of Peshmerga in Sinjar is military, psychological and cultural" she said before celebrating an early Christmas surrounded by families and children of the Christian refugee centre in Ankawa.

Main Results of the Foreign Affairs Council, December 2014

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