2015: we can make the difference.

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité (EESC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 22 december 2014.

Dear Friends,

With this year drawing to a close, we reflect on the problems Europeans are currently facing in Europe, including systemic difficulties such as unemployment, dwindling faith in the EU and its institutions and conflicts that are giving rise to forced migration. But the coming of the New Year also brings hope, as 2015 will begin with a new and restructured Commission, a newly formed European Parliament, and a new President of the European Council.

The good news is that the European project is very deeply rooted, being anchored in the hearts and souls of millions of our fellow citizens. But for the European Union to be able to meet people's needs and expectations, we need to see major changes, which must be embarked on without delay.

I am certain that together, we can make the difference.

I wish you very happy holidays and a good start of the New Year, full of joy!

Henri Malosse,

President of the European Economic and Social Committee