Human rights: democratic opposition in Venezuela; arrests of activists in Sudan and Mauritania

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 18 december 2014, 12:01.

Parliament passed three resolutions on Thursday, calling on the Venzuelan authorities to withdraw "unfounded" charges against the opposition leader; condemning the arrest of human rights activist Dr Amin Mekki Medani in Sudan; and demanding the immediate release of anti-slavery activist Biram Dah Abeid in Mauritania.

Persecution of the democratic opposition in Venezuela

MEPs strongly condemn the political persecution and imprisonment of peaceful protesters and opposition leaders in Venezuela and call on the Venezuelan authorities to "withdraw the unfounded charges and arrest warrants against opposition politicians" and "immediately disarm and dissolve the uncontrolled pro-government associations, putting an end to their impunity". They call on the government of Venezuela to enter into a strong and open dialogue on human rights with the EU and recall their demand for an ad-hoc EP delegation to assess the situation in the country.

The resolution was adopted by 476 votes to 109 with 49 abstentions.

Sudan: the case of Dr Amin Mekki Medani

MEPs strongly condemn the arbitrary arrest and detention of Dr Medani, a renowned human rights activist and former president of the Sudan Human Rights Monitor, and other peaceful activists and demand their immediate and unconditional release. They call on the Sudanese authorities to end all acts of harassment and intimidation against human rights defenders, to abolish the death penalty and to review the National Security Act, which allows detention of suspects for up to four and a half months without any form of judicial review.

The resolution was adopted by 582 votes to 1 with 57 abstentions.

Mauritania: the case of Biram Dah Abeid

Parliament condemns the arrest on 11 November and ongoing detention of Biram Dah Abeid, a leading Mauritanian anti-slavery activist and founder of the Initiative for the Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement, and calls for his immediate release. It urges the Mauritanian authorities to end all forms of slavery, a practice that was abolished in 1981 and criminalised in 2007 but still persists in Mauritania. The resolution calls on the EU High Representative and the member states to "ensure a clear and workable foreign affairs and human rights policy which is in line with the EU strategic framework on human rights and democracy" and to promote a human rights dimension as part of the EU's Sahel strategy with the Mauritanian government.

The resolution was adopted by a show of hands.

Procedure: Non-legislative resolutions

REF. : 20141212IPR01240