MEPs to debate priorities ahead of EU investment plan summit

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 16 december 2014, 17:00.

MEPs will debate Commission plans to mobilise €315 billion to boost growth, jobs and competitiveness on Wednesday from 09.00, on the eve of the 18-19 December European Council meeting, where it will top the agenda. Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker i and Italy’s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Benedetto Della Vedova i will participate in the debate. The European Council will also discuss international developments and efforts to combat the Ebola virus outbreak.

You can watch the debate via EP Live and EbS+ (links to the right).

Procedure: Council and Commission statements [2013/2706(RSP)]

Debate: Wednesday, 17 December, 09.00-11.50

#euco #investEU #growth #competitiveness #Ebola

REF. : 20141212IPR01251

Updated: ( 16-12-2014 - 11:57)