MEPs to debate food aid shortage for Syrian refugees

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 16 december 2014, 16:00.

The food aid funding crisis that forced the UN to halt food aid deliveries to 1.7 million Syrian refugees on 1 December will be debated in plenary session with a Council representative and humanitarian aid Commissioner Christos Stylianides i on Tuesday evening (after 19.00). The $US 64 million funding shortfall has since been made up thanks to a social media fundraising campaign.

The World Food Programme announced last week that it would be able to reinstate the food assistance programme by mid-December, thanks to an ambitious social media fundraising campaign, using the hashtag #ADollarALifeline, which raised millions from individuals, the private sector and governments.

You can watch the plenary debate live via EP Live and EbS+

Shortage of funding for the World Food Programme aid scheme to Syrian refugees

Council and Commission statements


REF. : 20141212IPR01250

Updated: ( 16-12-2014 - 13:33)