European Commission and Italy launch first ever EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian Crisis

Met dank overgenomen van Italiaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2014 (Italiaans voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 16 december 2014.

Gentiloni: “It will improve the quality of the assistance provided to refugees”

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Bron: nieuws Posts Itlaiaans voorzitterschap EU 2014

The European Commission and Italy have signed today the constitutive agreement to launch the first ever EU Regional Trust Fund as a new strategic financing tool to mobilise more aid in response to the Syrian Crisis. The start-up funding provided amounts to 20 million from the EU budget and 3 million from Italy as the first founding donor. Additional funding is foreseen for 2015. The EU Trust Fund will initially focus on support to refugees and host communities in Syria's neighbouring countries.

This EU Trust Fund will address the massive and increasing resilience and stabilisation needs in Syria's neighbouring countries, in particular Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt, as well as inside Syria.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy Paolo Gentiloni stated: “I am convinced that this new instrument will effectively improve the quality of the assistance provided to refugees, host communities and Governments affected by the Syrian crisis. Since 2012, Italy has provided a total contribution of approximately 60 million € for both humanitarian relief activities and complementary early recovery needs in Syria and neighbouring countries. By establishing this strategic tool together with the European Commission, we are willing to increase our assistance and contribute towards providing a more coordinated response to this multidimensional crisis”.

For more information: EU Commission