Juncker Commission takes oath of independence at the Court of Justice

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 10 december 2014.

President Jean-Claude Juncker and the Members of the College of Commissioners are taking their formal oath of office on 12 December in Luxembourg, at the EU's Court of Justice.

The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg © EU

President Jean-Claude Juncker and the Members of the College of Commissioners are taking their formal oath of office today (12 December 2014) in Luxembourg, at the EU's Court of Justice. With this “solemn undertaking”, the members of the Commission are pledging to respect the Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, to carry out their responsibilities in complete independence and in the general interest of the Union.

Commissioners will also promise not to seek or take instructions from any authorities, to refrain from engaging in actions incompatible with their duties and the performance of their tasks, and to respect their obligations during and after their term of office.

During their weekly meeting today, the College of Commissioners also discussed the Commission's work programme for 2015. This work programme will translate President Juncker's Political Guidelines on the basis of which he was elected by the European Parliament into concrete initiatives.