Successful CEF Transport Info Day in Greece

Met dank overgenomen van Uitvoerend Agentschap voor Innovatie en Netwerken (INEA) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 5 december 2014.

Potential CEF Transport Call applicants in Greece were able to benefit from a CEF Transport Info Day in Athens on 13 November, organised by the General Secretariat for Public Investment (NSRF) of the Greek Ministry of Development & Competitiveness with the participation of INEA and the European Commission. The event, which attracted over 130 participants representing ministries, services, organizations as well as other interested parties, specifically focused on the €11.93 billion CEF Transport Call launched in October.

The event was structured to offer participants maximum information on the application process and a variety of other call-related topics. Furthermore, the role and importance of the Trans-European Networks for Greece was reviewed as a financing tool for the preparation and maturing of large transport infrastructure projects implemented through the Structural and Cohesion Funds.

European Coordinator (Orient/East Med Corridor) Mathieu Grosch i, INEA Head of Department Anna Panagopoulou, and DG MOVE representatives Patrick Vankerckhoven and Alexis Sotiriou were on hand to provide first-hand information on the topics of the Calls and, even more importantly for the participants, hints and tips on how to build a successful CEF Transport project proposal.

Within the context of the Workshop, Mr. Grosch had consecutive meetings with the leadership of the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness, in particular with the Minister Mr. K. Skrekas and NSRF's Secretary General for Public Investment Mr. S. Efstathopoulos, as well as Secretary General of the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructures & Networks Mr. N. Stathopoulos concerning the national priorities within the CEF Programme.

Mr. Grosch and the EU delegation also had bilateral meetings with current TEN-T implementation bodies in Greece on the progress on their projects and prospects under the CEF Programme. Finally, parallel to the workshop two on-site visits were organized, namely to see:

  • the railway project "Tithorea-Lianokladi-Domokos" (12 November)
  • Port of Piraeus (14 November)

For more information, please contact Julia Chryssou,