Live radio debate: Georges Dassis on the fight against corruption

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité (EESC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 4 december 2014.

On 2 December 2014, the President of the Workers’ Group, Georges Dassis, took part to a live radio debate with Greek MEPs on the fight against corruption in the EU, broadcasted by Skaï Radio (Greece) and Euranet Plus.

"European citizens, especially Greeks, know that corruption is unfortunately part of their everyday life. It is now more than time to move beyond words and bring forward concrete proposals to fight this plague", said Mr Dassis.

He underlined that corruption is not only an issue for southern Europe but also for northern Europe, equally faced with very serious corruption cases.

Regarding corruption in the fiscal sector, Georges Dassis pointed out that the European trade union movement has repeatedly asked Member States to adopt a common fiscal policy in order to put an end to unfair tax competition.

Mr Dassis proposed to the representatives of the Greek political parties present at the debate the development of a national pact against corruption. Such a pact should be implemented at EU level.

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