Statement by President Juncker following his meeting with Boyko Borissov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 4 december 2014.

European Commission - Statement


Statement by President Juncker i following his meeting with Boyko Borissov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria

Brussels, 04 December 2014

Bulgaria is part of the European family.

The European family is supporting Bulgaria in finding solutions to the current geopolitical challenges. We are here to help our Bulgarian family members.

We will make sure EU funds are relaunched and used to the full in solidarity with Bulgaria and Bulgaria will do its best to use them to stimulate growth, create jobs and improve the lives of the Bulgarian people.

Energy matters are a matter of common concern to all Europeans. You are not alone, and we are not observers. We are with you in these difficult times.

We want energy to flow to Bulgaria and to the whole of Europe and we will not accept any blackmailing on energy matters. Bulgaria is not a small country, it has the whole of Europe behind it.

We will be working closely together on the Juncker Investment Plan to ensure that energy interconnectors are a key element in the new wave of investments of the 315 billion EUR we want to trigger.

As regards South Stream, the EU and Bulgaria are working together to solve the outstanding legal issues. They are not insurmountable. We should do what is best for Bulgaria and best for Europe. Boyko and Jean-Claude will find a solution together.

South Stream can be built. The conditions have been clear since a long time. There is nothing new. The ball is in the court of Russia. We are ready. Preparatory work is on the way.


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