Africa can do it, says Louis Michel

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 1 december 2014, 13:15.

"Yes! Africa can live up to its ambitions!" is the theme of this Tuesday’s keynote denote between MEPs and African, Caribbean and Pacific MEPs at the 28th session of the Joint EU-ACP Parliamentary Assembly (JPA) in Strasbourg (1 to 3 December). Efforts to counter the spread of terrorism, halt the Ebola virus outbreak, and end malnutrition in ACP countries will top the agenda.

The JPA will share experience and good practice in the fields of private sector development, national reconciliation in post-conflict countries and migration management, and vote resolutions on these topics.

Special debates, without resolutions, will also be held on the needs of Small Island Developing States and the Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The EP delegation is led by JPA Co-President. Louis Michel i (ALDE, BE) and the ACP one by his ACP counterpart Fitz A. Jackson (Jamaica).

The plenary debates will be webstreamed live via EP Live (link to the right).

REF. : 20141201IPR81707