Poverty eradication and human rights in the post-2015 development agenda

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 25 november 2014, 12:57.

EP adopts its position ahead of the global development framework negotiations©BELGAIMAGE_AGEFOTOSTOCK

Eradicating poverty, fighting inequalities, protecting human rights, ensuring that health systems are sustainable and making gender equality a stand-alone goal are the key aims that the EU should seek to include in the post-2015 global development agenda, says Parliament in a resolution voted on Tuesday.

"By adopting this resolution in the European Parliament we are sending a clear message to the Council. We want the Council to adopt a common position that will allow the EU to take a stand and be effective in the global development framework negotiations next year. These negotiations will result in the new set of goals for the period after 2015 and will replace the millennium goals of 2000" said rapporteur Davor Ivo Stier i (EPP, HR) during the debate prior to the vote.

Human rights, climate change, health systems and gender equality

MEPs agree that ending poverty and fighting inequalities should be the underlying theme of the global development agenda after 2015 and the EU should that ensure that a human rights-based approach and the right to development become the underpinning concepts.

Climate change measures and moving towards and energy-efficient and renewable-based economy can lead to gains in poverty eradication, says the text, adding that the health sector can also contribute to the economic and social development of societies. MEPs urge the European Commission to promote the priority of eliminating inequalities in access to health and education and call on the EU to support a stand-alone goal on gender equality.

Mobilising financing resources

The non-legislative resolution - passed by 541 votes to 96, with 29 abstentions- urges EU member states to "meet their commitment to allocate at least 0.7% of GNI to Official Development Assistance (ODA), including at least 0.2% to Least Developed Countries (LDC) and other highly vulnerable states". It also reiterates that combating corruption, illicit flows of capital and harmful tax structures should be an "overriding priority in financing development".

Next steps

The EU Council of Ministers is expected to decide its position on 14 December 2014.


The EU and 13 of its member states are contributing directly and indirectly to a 30-strong global open working group on the post-2015 development agenda.

Final negotiations on new sustainable development goals (which will also shape the post-2015 development agenda) start in January 2015 and finish in September.

REF. : 20141121IPR79831

Updated: ( 25-11-2014 - 13:07)


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