EU to support better sea transport link between Nantes St-Nazaire and Vigo

Met dank overgenomen van Uitvoerend Agentschap voor Innovatie en Netwerken (INEA) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 24 november 2014.

The EU's TEN-T Programme will back with over €3.5 million the upgrade of the existing sea line between Nantes St-Nazaire (France) and Vigo (Spain) to ensure reliable and frequent shipping service of cargo transport. The alternative sea route is expected to help reduce road traffic and air pollution, leading to a fully operational infrastructure by late 2015.

The new service started operations this year with three rotations per week. It is planned to add a fourth rotation by July 2016, when occupancy ratios are satisfactory.

The line's upgrade consists of increasing the infrastructure's capacity and improving the interface between the sea terminals and their hinterland connections. New berth for ro-ro ships (carrying wheeled cargo) will be constructed at the Port of St-Nazaire and a floating ramp will be installed in the Port of Vigo to improve embarkation and disembarkation.

The overall objective of the project is the alignment to the Atlantic Corridor goals, in terms of providing sustainable transport and contributing to create cohesion synergies between the peripheral and core regions of the European Union.

The project is promoting alternative sea transport from France to Spain and Portugal with an expected positive impact on traffic management, modal shift from road to sea and reduction of emissions from road transport.

The project was selected for EU funding with the assistance of external experts under the TEN-T Multi-Annual Call 2013, priority 'Motorways of the Sea'. Its implementation will be monitored by INEA, the European Commission's Innovation and Networks Executive Agency.

The project is to be completed by December 2015.

More information

Project: 2013-EU-21009-P

The TEN-T Programme was established by the European Commission to support the construction and upgrade of transport infrastructure across the European Union.

The INEA is managing the technical and financial implementation of the TEN-T programme.
