EU to back the deployment of electric freight transport in Slovakia

Met dank overgenomen van Uitvoerend Agentschap voor Innovatie en Netwerken (INEA) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 18 november 2014.

The EU's TEN-T Programme will invest over €850,000 in a network of energy hubs for small electric trucks in Slovakia. The project will help facilitate the development of intercity freight transport with zero CO2 emissions.

One of the main obstacles of using electric vehicles for light freight transport is the lack of charging facilities along highways.

This project will help to mitigate this problem in Slovakia through pilot deployment of two energy hubs (battery swapping and fast charging station) for small electric trucks enabling electric freight transport between cities. The project will analyse in detail all of the technical, economic and environmental aspects of light electric vehicles, and the results of these studies will be shared with authorities and transport stakeholders.

The outcomes of the project are expected to facilitate and develop the use of e-mobility services in the Slovak market and help to overall reduce the environmental footprint of freight transport.

The project was selected for EU funding with the assistance of external experts under the TEN-T Annual Call 2013, priority 'Decarbonisation/oil substitution or environmental cost reduction. Its implementation will be monitored by INEA, the European Commission's Innovation and Networks Executive Agency.

The project is to be completed by the end of 2015.

More information

Project: 2013-SK-92040-S

The TEN-T Programme was established by the European Commission to support the construction and upgrade of transport infrastructure across the European Union (

The INEA is managing the technical and financial implementation of the TEN-T programme (
