Ukraine: EU boosts humanitarian assistance and recovery aid to € 32 million

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-Generaal Europese Civiele Bescherming en Humanitaire Operaties (ECHO) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 12 november 2014.

The European Commission is increasing its humanitarian assistance and recovery aid to meet the immediate needs of vulnerable and conflict-affected populations in Ukraine.

The EU is providing an additional €3.3 million in humanitarian aid to help the most vulnerable population affected by the ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine to meet their basic needs and prepare for the approaching winter. This comes on top of the previously announced €7.75 million, bringing the Commission's humanitarian funding to over €11 million since the beginning of the crisis. This assistance will address the most acute needs through the provision of shelter, food and non-food assistance, health services and protection.


The humanitarian situation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions remains critical. The crisis has resulted in serious damage to infrastructure, electricity and water supply systems. The affected population is in urgent need of shelter, food, water and sanitation items while direct assistance is required to stabilise both IDP and host communities, secure access to livelihoods and to promote reconciliation. Despite the 5 September ceasefire, continued fighting in some parts of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts has led to a large-scale population displacement inside the country and beyond its borders.

Collectively, the EU's Member States and the European Commission have already provided over EUR 73 million in humanitarian and recovery support. On the ground, this assistance is translating into shelter for the displaced, health care for the injured and the sick, food, water, sanitation and other emergency aid. In addition, the Commission has deployed humanitarian experts to the region since February 2014 to monitor the situation and ensure a timely and coordinated EU assistance.

An EU civil protection mission is currently deployed in Ukraine, assessing the situation on the ground and helping the Ukrainian authorities to boost their capacity as first responders and prepare for the winter.