EU-Turkey: Commissioner Hahn committed to moving relations forward

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 11 november 2014.

European Commission - Statement


EU-Turkey: Commissioner Hahn i committed to moving relations forward

Brussels, 11 November 2014

Commissioner Johannes Hahn i met Turkish Minister for EU Affairs Volkan Bozkir for the first time in his capacity of Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations. The meeting followed the attendance of the Commissioner and the Minister at the bi-annual EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee, the first to take place after the election of the European Parliament. The meeting took place in a friendly and constructive atmosphere and allowed to set the tone of a positive cooperation to pursue Turkey's EU accession path and to face common challenges.

Mr Bozkir reaffirmed Turkey's strong determination to take up reforms on the EU path while Commissioner Hahn welcomed Turkey's renewed commitment towards the EU accession process. Commissioner Hahn assured Mr Bozkir of his commitment to moving forward EU-Turkey relations and keeping the accession negotiations on track, stressing however that further reforms were needed to provide solid ground for making such progress. Commissioner Hahn and Minister Bozkir agreed on the importance to enhance cooperation in areas of joint interest such as the economy and trade, migration and visa policies as well as foreign policy dialogue. They agreed to prepare the way for the launching of a high-level economic dialogue between the Turkey and the EU.


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