Statement by European Commission President Juncker on the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op zondag 9 november 2014.

On this fateful day 25 years ago, a wall was torn down and the world was forever changed. Germany was reunited. And German unity in turn became a catalyst for European unity.

The fall of the Berlin wall enabled new bridges to be built between people. Today, as President of the European Commission, I see it as my task to repair the cracks in these bridges that appeared after the worst financial and economic crisis since World War II.

Europe must once again become a thing of the heart. It was with passion and courage that the people tore down that which divided them, in search of peace, freedom, unity, democracy and prosperity. Two decades later, we must not forget that peace is not a given in Europe. More than ever, Europe must live up to its responsibility to safeguard freedom and peace. Europe makes nation states collectively stronger but we can only win the future by playing together.

We are the Europe of the last chance. We have to seize that chance and give Europe's citizens the new start they are expecting of us.


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