Council position for Conference on climate change in Lima

Met dank overgenomen van Italiaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2014 (Italiaans voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 29 oktober 2014.

Conclusions of the Environment Council held on 28 October in Luxembourg

Find attached the conclusions of the Environment Council held on 28 October in Luxembourg in view of the Conference on climate change which will be held from 1 to 12 October 2014 in Lima.

"The conclusions adopted by the Council build on the agreement reached in Brussels last week by EU leaders. Both pave the way for Europe to take a leading role on climate challenges with a view to the Lima Conference in December and the Paris Conference in 2015. Our goal is a fair and ambitious global agreement, which would make all countries of the world responsible for a crucial issue for the future of the planet, setting out a model of socially and environmentally sustainable development", said the president of the Council, Italian Minister for the Environment Gian Luca Galletti.
