Bookselling by Van Stockum Booksellers

donderdag 23 oktober 2014

DEN HAAG (PDC i) - During the Europe Lecture 2014, Van Stockum Booksellers provides visitors the opportunity to purchase Jonathan Holslag's recently published book 'De kracht van het paradijs - Hoe Europa kan overleven in de Aziatische eeuw' (English: 'The power of paradise - How Europe will survive the Asian century'). 

In 'De kracht van het paradijs', Jonathan Holslag expresses his view on the position of Europe in a changing global order and provides a new European narrative. In a book review by journalist Fokke Obbema (De Volkskrant), Holslag's vision is described as "daring and inspiring".

During the Europe Lecture, Van Stockum Booksellers will have a book stand in the Kloosterkerk. The bookselling will take place during the reception at 19:00 hrs, following the lecture. Visitors have the opportunity to have their book signed by Jonathan Holslag.

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