Remarks by President Barroso following the 10th ASEM Summit

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 17 oktober 2014.

European Commission


Milan, 17 October 2014

Remarks by President Barroso following the 10 th ASEM Summit

Press conference

Good afternoon,

I would like to thank Prime Minister Renzi i for hosting us and for this great Milanese and Italian hospitality. The Summit we just had demonstrates that Asia matters to Europe and Europe matters to Asia. This Summit has also witnessed the accession of two new partners, Croatia and Kazakhstan, the first country from Central Asia to join ASEM.

The theme of this Summit - "Responsible Partnership for Growth and Security" - could not reflect better our common view.

We spoke about responsibility. Responsibility was again reaffirmed from both sides to jointly tackle today’s global challenges: from the fight against climate change to the eradication of poverty and the pursuit of sustainable development. These are all tests to our credibility as leaders. We need to show leadership and we need to deliver.

This is also what is required from us to deal with the Ebola outbreak. This is not just a problem of a few West African countries that are experiencing terrible suffering, because of this Ebola virus. This can be really a major humanitarian catastrophe. It is a collective responsibility of the international community. The European Commission has been providing assistance to the countries affected and humanitarians on the ground. But, together with our Member States and international partners, we all need to step up our efforts. We will discuss next week in the EU what more can be done. I have decided to put this as a topic of the meeting of the European Commission next week so that we can also give our contribution to the decisions to be taken at the European Council.

ASEM is also about partnership, a partnership of equals, based on a solid set of values Energy, Environment, Science, Education, Digital: all have huge potential for further cooperation. We will pursue through connectivity - connectivity being in fact at the centre of discussion we just had.

I have also announced that the European Union has decided to increase its financial support to all these areas through concrete projects. We have decided this for the next financial period.

ASEM is also about sustainable growth in Europe and Asia. Economic cooperation is essential to this end. During these two days, we have the chance to discuss the prospects for supporting global growth. Europe needs to continue delivering on a comprehensive package which should put the recovery on a firmer basis, comprising a differentiated, growth-friendly fiscal policy, the strengthening of the financial sector, ambitious structural reforms to support growth and targeted investment. As you know, this is very much now in the agenda of the European Union.

Growth is our top priority. In addition to the measures we take internally to make Europe more competitive, we are also engaging externally with an active trade agenda. We remain at the forefront in the fight for open, free and fair trade.

In this sense, our relations with Asia are extremely important. The relationship in trade and investment has never been as strong as it is right now. We are the largest investor in Asia and Asian countries are also major investors in Europe.

Finally, ASEM is also about security and stability. I will not repeat what was said by the previous speakers on this matter. Let me just highlight one issue on the European side: the need to have a peaceful solution to the conflict of Ukraine.

I must thank our ASEM partners for their support for a united and sovereign Ukraine. As you know, some side meetings have taken place these past days. Together with President Van Rompuy I have participated yesterday in a meeting with President Poroshenko; and today with Presidents Poroshenko i and Putin i and other European leaders, we have reiterated the need for a full implementation of the cease fire and Minsk agreements. I believe the meeting was constructive. Serious implementation is now key so that trust can be restored and consolidated.

On the Asian side, ASEAN can play a central role as the engine for regional integration. We have also had an informal Summit meeting between the European Union leaders and the leadership of ASEAN where we conveyed our full support to the efforts of ASEAN to achieve an economic community by 2015. Our relationship needs to be brought to a Strategic level and we support that objective.

Ladies and Gentleman,

Finally, we can say that here in Milan, we have put our ideas for the future of our continents on the table. Let's make them happen. I am sure that next Summit under the chairmanship of Mongolia, and with the warmth and enthusiasm of the President of Mongolia, it will be a very productive one.

Thank you.

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Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen (+32 2 295 30 70)

Raquel Maria Patricio Gomes (+32 2 297 48 14)

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