EESC Civil Society Prize 2014 : the winners invited to the Plenary Session

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité (EESC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 16 oktober 2014.

During the plenary session of the EESC, President Henri Malosse together with Vice-President Jane Morrice announced the order of the winners of this year's Civil Society Prize. ETP Slovakia received the first prize for their project Building Hope, in which they teach Roma communities in Slovakia how to construct their own houses.

ETP director Slávka Mačáková:

"We hope that our self-empowering initiative will be a role model for European policy-makers".

IQ Roma servis from the Czech Republic and Reverend Archimandrite Athinagoras Loukataris from Greece shared the 2nd prize. For more information on the winning projects, please read below.