What is "Mos Maiorum" joint operation?

Met dank overgenomen van Italiaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2014 (Italiaans voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 16 oktober 2014.

The collection of data on migration flows in EU countries has been launched

In line with similar activities planned at Community level by the various EU rotating presidencies of the Council of the European Union (“HERMES”, “BALDER”, “MITRAS”, “DEMETER”, “APHRODITE”, “PERKUNAS” operations etc), the Italian Presidency of the Frontier Group/Joint Committee planned "MOS MAIORUM" operation, from 13 to 26 October, which aims at identifying the main transit flows of illegal migrants through main land, sea and air thoroughfares in the member states.

The operation’s main goal will be to collect information on migration flows in the EU countries, in particular as regards the pressure within each member state, the main tracks beaten by traffickers of human beings, their main destinations , countries of origin and transit, places of interception and means of transport used.

In this regard, every member state, as in the case of previous activities, is to keep track of controls performed, during ordinary operations over the reference period, including those performed at the internal borders (“secondary movements”).

The Operation acknowledges FRONTEX’s role as a funnel for data collection and analysis.

The joint operation results will be presented during the last meeting of the Frontier Group under the Italian Presidency, in December 2014.